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Imagery Location of the Erechtheion

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: April Kissinger, Eric Shea, Chelsea Lee, Sterling Wright
Contributors: Adam Rabinowitz, Tom Elliott
Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Feb 25, 2024 10:46 PM History
Representative location of the Erechtheion on the Athenian acropolis, derived from analysis of Google Earth imagery.
Powered by Leaflet and Mapbox. Map base from MapBox "Streets v8" and "Terrain v2" datasets using a modified "Outdoors" style in MapBox Studio.

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{ "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 23.726443, 37.972 ] }



Google Earth and DigitalGlobe Imagery 2012


  • Classical (Greco-Roman; 550 BC-330 BC) (confident)
  • Hellenistic Greek, Roman Republic (330 BC-30 BC) (confident)
  • Roman, early Empire (30 BC-AD 300) (confident)


The Erechtheion is a small, unusual temple on the Athenian Acropolis specifically dedicated to Athena Polias and Erechtheus. The structure's foundations sit in part on the Mycenaean fortification walls of the Acropolis, on a slope that raises the south and east side higher than the rest of the building. The temple consists of a central rectangular structure divided into several cellas, the largest of which is on the east side of the building. Several platforms and porches are also attached to the temple. On the east side, the porch has a row of Ionic columns and a frieze of white marble figures on a background of black Eleusinian limestone. The porch that projects from the south side of the temple is the famous caryatid porch or "Porch of the Maidens", which is marked by six columns in the shape of young women in elaborate drapery. In addition to cult facilities for Athena Polias and the archaic wooden cult statue of the goddess, parts of the building housed other tokens of the mythic past of Athens, including the tomb of a local hero and the olive tree and salt spring created by Athena and Poseidon during their competition to be patron divinity of Athens.

Like the rest of the acropolis, the Erechtheion had a long post-antique history, during which it served as a church and, for a time, as the home of an Ottoman harem. At the beginning of the 19th century, one of the caryatids was brought to England with the rest of the Elgin marbles, around the same time that the porch served as inspiration for a similar porch on St Pancras Church in London. The remaining caryatids, damaged by time, pollution, and old restoration efforts, have now been transferred to the new Acropolis Museum, and their place is taken on the monument by modern copies.


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