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OSM location of Assur

a Pleiades location resource

Creators: Jeffrey Becker Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Feb 08, 2023 01:53 PM History
Representative location based on OpenStreetMap

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{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 43.2622764, 35.4531163 ], [ 43.2626197, 35.4503195 ], [ 43.2669455, 35.4480751 ], [ 43.2659572, 35.4546968 ], [ 43.2658339, 35.4549764 ], [ 43.2657266, 35.4552080 ], [ 43.2656381, 35.4553937 ], [ 43.2655415, 35.4555663 ], [ 43.2654181, 35.4557521 ], [ 43.2652545, 35.4559596 ], [ 43.2650560, 35.4562283 ], [ 43.2648495, 35.4565058 ], [ 43.2646859, 35.4567724 ], [ 43.2645088, 35.4570455 ], [ 43.2643989, 35.4572465 ], [ 43.2642889, 35.4574802 ], [ 43.2642245, 35.4576070 ], [ 43.2641950, 35.4577075 ], [ 43.2641923, 35.4578276 ], [ 43.2641789, 35.4579303 ], [ 43.2641306, 35.4580679 ], [ 43.2640126, 35.4583214 ], [ 43.2639241, 35.4585355 ], [ 43.2638383, 35.4587736 ], [ 43.2637551, 35.4590074 ], [ 43.2635379, 35.4596126 ], [ 43.2633930, 35.4618584 ], [ 43.2625884, 35.4617623 ], [ 43.2617783, 35.4606743 ], [ 43.2610125, 35.4604765 ], [ 43.2578301, 35.4599184 ], [ 43.2551479, 35.4597611 ], [ 43.2541353, 35.4578635 ], [ 43.2557532, 35.4546544 ], [ 43.2578475, 35.4538084 ], [ 43.2622764, 35.4531163 ] ] }



Generic OSM Accuracy Assessment


  • Early Dynastic Mesopotamia (2950–2350 BC) (confident)
  • Akkadian-Ur III Mesopotamia (2335–2000 BC) (confident)
  • 2nd Millennium BCE (2000-1000 BCE) (confident)
  • Neo-Assyrian/Babylonian Middle East (720–540 BC) (confident)

Data Source:

OpenStreetMap (Way 144223654, version 6, osm:changeset=104627241, 2021-05-13T10:04:10Z)