Sep. Scipionum
Creators: Jeffrey Becker
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41.8758967923, 12.5004091947
- Representative Locations:
- Imagery location of the Sep. Scipionum (330 BC - AD 300) accuracy: +/- 5 meters.
- OSM location of Sepolcro degli Scipioni (330 BC - AD 300) accuracy: +/- 20 meters.
- hypogaeum Scipionum (Latin, 330 BC - AD 300)
- sepolcro degli Scipioni (sepolcro degli Scipioni: Italian, modern)
- tomb of the Scipios (English, modern)
- Sep. Scipionum located at Roma (unspecified date range)
- See Further:
- BMCR 2023.06.36
- BMCR 2024.07.19
- Borg 2019
- Coarelli 1972
- Coarelli 1988
- Coarelli 1996
- D'Andrea 2023
- LTUR IV (1999) 281-285, s. v. Sepulcrum (Corneliorum) Scipionum (F. Zevi)
- Lauter-Bufe 1982
- Platner 1929 (Perseus) SEP. SCIPIONUM
- Roma Capitale, Sepolcro degli Scipioni
- Stefani 2022
- Stefani 2022a
- ToposText Tomb of the Scipios (Rome)
- Wikipedia (English) Tomb of the Scipios
- Related:
Jeffrey Becker, and Brady Kiesling, 'Sep. Scipionum: a Pleiades place resource', Pleiades: A Gazetteer of Past Places, 2024 <> [accessed: 28 March 2025]
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