Pleiades Project Blog
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Volunteer Opportunities: Improving Data
Pleiades needs your help!
Content Improvement Projects and Call for Volunteers
We've added a new section of the website to enable community members to suggest, organize and volunteer for projects to improve or expand Pleiades content.
Community Meetup: Wednesday, 19 October, 4:00p.m. UCT
Tom Elliott will initiate a Google+ Hangout for all interested Pleiades community members
Feeds of Flickr Photos Depicting Pleiades Places
Linking photos on Flickr to place resources in Pleiades
Hurricane Irene
Pleiades will not be affected
Toponyms in Demotic and Hieratic
A new publication from Pleiades partner project Trismegistos
Semiannual Report Published (May 2011)
Achievements and progress over the preceding 6 months.
Time Periods for Ancient Egypt
Pleiades now supports several additional time periods for names and locations in ancient Egypt
Regular archives of nightly exports
Quarterly, long-term, third-party digital archiving
Draft "How-to" for Review: Add Better Coordinates to an Existing Place
For those interested in adding new/better coordinates to existing Pleiades places, there is now an (I hope) accurate step-by-step outline that I'll soon turn into a full script for a screencast
Zeugma at Pleiades and ISAW
In honor of Kutal Gorkay's upcoming talk at ISAW (Recent Archaeological Research in Zeugma: March 21, 2011), I've taken the opportunity to update the Zeugma resource at Pleiades.
Adopt a place for Valentine's day
Pleiades places are looking for love and this year you can give it to them (it never hurts to get ready for Valentine's Day early). It will only take a few minutes of your time.
Community Time Report
Notes and chat transcript published.
Quarterly Report for December 2010 published
The project team summarizes recent developments across the effort.
Pleiades Community Time: 16 December 2010
A chance to chat about current capabilities and future plans
Three New FAQs: user accounts and passwords
Do you need one and what to do if you lose the information.
New FAQ: User Profiles
How to modify
Pleiades Review Party: 20 August 2013
UPDATE: Starting a half hour earlier. Current and prospective editors, reviewers, and other community members are invited.
Pleiades Review Party: 12 August 2013
Current and prospective editors, reviewers, and other community members are invited.