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Papers and Presentations

Creators: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Jun 28, 2023 02:48 PM
Journal articles and book chapters, as well as slides, texts, posters, and other materials from conferences and workshops, that describe and report on Pleiades.

Review: Pleiades (2021)

A review of the Pleiades gazetteer by Jon Weiland, published on the blog of the Society for Classical Studies in March 2021.

Review: Pleiades (2021) - Read More…

Paper: Reconstructing Dura-Europos (2021)

A paper by Y. Shen and others, delivered at the Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, 4-6 November 2021, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom. The use of Pleiades data in the overall project is briefly described.

Paper: Reconstructing Dura-Europos (2021) - Read More…

Presentation: Traveling through Space and Time with Plone (2020)

Audio and slides from a joint presentation by Tom Elliott and Alec Mitchell (Jazkarta, Inc.) describe the background and function of the Pleiades project and its web application and the reasons for choosing and sticking with Plone as the content-management framework, as well as expectations for future work.

Presentation: Traveling through Space and Time with Plone (2020) - Read More…

Article: Beyond Lists (2020)

An article by Pleiades Associate Editor Ryan Horne in The Historian, discussing "digital gazetteers and digital history".

Article: Beyond Lists (2020) - Read More…

Description of Pleiades (2019)

This document was written by Pleiades Managing Editor Tom Elliott in 2019 and submitted to the National Endowment for the Humanities as an appendix to the Final Performance Report on the Pleiades 3 grant. It has not been updated since that time.

Description of Pleiades (2019) - Read More…

Article: The Map as Search Box (2019)

An article by Pleiades Reviewer Gabriel Mckee describing the use of Pleiades data in library cataloging and discovery.

Article: The Map as Search Box (2019) - Read More…

Paper: The Pleiadic Gaze (2018)

A paper describing the creation and function of Pleiades, especially with respect to archaeology, delivered by Tom Elliott at the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018 and published in 2021.

Paper: The Pleiadic Gaze (2018) - Read More…

Video:Historical Digital Gazetteers (2018)

This recording captures a session of the SunoikisiDC Cultural Heritage workshops entitled "Historical Digital Gazetteers". It was broadcast on October 3, 2018, and features Jeffrey Becker, Monica Berti, Gabriel Bodard, Ruth Mostern, and Valeria Vitale.

Video:Historical Digital Gazetteers (2018) - Read More…

Video: Inventing an “Un-GIS” and its uses (2018)

This video, captured at the École nationale des chartes in Paris on 17 May 2018, presents an illustrated lecture by Tom Elliott describing the Pleiades gazetteer.

Video: Inventing an “Un-GIS” and its uses (2018) - Read More…

Abstract and Slides: A Deep Gazetteer of Time Periods (2018)

Ryan Shaw, Adam Rabinowitz, and Patrick Golden delivered a paper entitled "A deep gazetteer of time periods" at the DH2018 conference in Mexico City. The relationship between Pleiades (a spatial gazetteer) and PeriodO (a temporal gazetteer) is discussed.

Abstract and Slides: A Deep Gazetteer of Time Periods (2018) - Read More…

Book Chapter: The Pleiades Gazetteer and the Pelagios Project (2016)

A chapter by Elton Barker, Rainer Simon, Leif Isaksen, and Pau de Soto Canamares in Placing Names: Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers, edited by Merrick Lex Berman, Ruth Mostern, and Humphrey Southall. Spatial Humanities (Indiana University Press). Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2016.

Book Chapter: The Pleiades Gazetteer and the Pelagios Project (2016) - Read More…

Video: Harvard Pleiades Workshop (2016)

A presentation delivered by Tom Elliott at the Center for Geographic Analysis at Harvard University that "begins with a concise overview and introduction to Pleiades, its mission, and capabilities [followed by a summary of] current work-in-progress and planned improvements under the aegis of Pleiades' current NEH grant."

Video: Harvard Pleiades Workshop (2016) - Read More…

Paper: Pelagios and the emerging graph of ancient world data (2014)

Lief Isaksen, Rainer Simon, Elton Barker, and Pau de Soto Cañamares delivered this paper at the 2014 ACM conference on web science and it was subsequently published in the proceedings.

Paper: Pelagios and the emerging graph of ancient world data (2014) - Read More…

Video: The Web is Our Virtual Research Environment (2013)

In this video, recorded at the German Archaeological Institute in Berlin, Tom Elliott presents on the topic "Pleiades and Ancient Geography Online".

Video: The Web is Our Virtual Research Environment (2013) - Read More…

Pleiades: A guest post (, December 2011)

A post on the Flickr blog by Sean Gillies from 2011 about "how we did something cool with Flickr machine tags and ancient sites of the world".

Pleiades: A guest post (, December 2011) - Read More…

Slides: Pleiades: an un-GIS for Ancient Geography (2011)

Slides from Sean Gillies' 2011 presentation at the Association of American Geographers' Space-Time GIScience Research Symposium.

Slides: Pleiades: an un-GIS for Ancient Geography (2011) - Read More…

Paper: On historical gazetteers (2011)

In this paper, published in the International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, Humphrey Southall, Ruth Mostern, and Merrick Lex Berman mention Pleiades and Pelagios as part of a larger framing discussion of the characteristics and functions of digital historical gazetteers.

Paper: On historical gazetteers (2011) - Read More…

Blog Post: What's an un-GIS? (2010)

— filed under: ,

Reprint of a 2010 blog post by Sean Gillies, which was also distributed as a handout at Digital Humanities 2011.

Blog Post: What's an un-GIS? (2010) - Read More…

Concordia (April 2008 – March 2009)

A summary of the NEH-funded Concordia project, the first Pleiades-related work done at NYU's Institute for the Study of the Ancient World. This document was last updated on the original Pleiades development wiki in 2009.

Concordia (April 2008 – March 2009) - Read More…

Pleiades 1 (February 2006 – June 2008)

A summary of the first Pleiades grant, adapted from the Pleiades 1 final report submitted to the National Endowment for the Humanities, last updated on the original Pleiades development wiki in 2008.

Pleiades 1 (February 2006 – June 2008) - Read More…

Presentation: Beyond the Barrington Atlas (NEH 2007)

A joint presentation by Richard Talbert and Sean Gillies, delivered on 5 October 2007 in Washington, DC at a conference entitled "Using New Technologies to Explore Cultural Heritage" that was jointly sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.

Presentation: Beyond the Barrington Atlas (NEH 2007) - Read More…

Pleiades: Beyond the Barrington Atlas (London 2006)

This is a partial text of a paper delivered by Tom Elliott to the London Ancient History Seminar, 27 October 2006. The text breaks off at the point the demonstration portion began; that part was done extemporaneously.

Pleiades: Beyond the Barrington Atlas (London 2006) - Read More…

Pleiades: Beyond the Barrington Atlas (APA 2006)

This is a partial text of a paper delivered by Tom Elliott at the Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association in San Diego, California, 6 January 2006. The text breaks off at the point the demonstration portion began; that part was done extemporaneously.

Pleiades: Beyond the Barrington Atlas (APA 2006) - Read More…

Pleiades Background and Early Developments (1980 – 2006)

A summary of major developmental milestones in the early history of Pleiades. This document was last updated on the original Pleiades development wiki in 2009.

Pleiades Background and Early Developments (1980 – 2006) - Read More…