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Last modified Sep 28, 2020 06:01 PM
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Place "Ponte Sanguinario" at Spoletium The "Ponte Sanguinario" at Spoleto is a late republican to early imperial Roman bridge. The remains of the bridge are now below street level in the Piazza della...
Place "Trajan's Bridge" at Drobeta-Turnu Severin A Trajanic bridge spanning the Danuba at Drobeta-Turnu Severin.
Place (H)Alesion Pedion An ancient place, cited: BAtlas 56 C2 (H)Alesion Pedion
Place (Iulia) Myrtilis An ancient settlement at modern Mértola (Portugal) on the west bank of the Guadiana river (ancient Anas). The town is mentioned in Roman sources, but most of t...
Place A Ponte da Xira A Roman bridge in the northwestern Iberian peninsula that crosses the río Valiñas.
Place Afrin bridge An ancient bridge on the Afrin river.
Place Ain Diwar A ruined Roman bridge near Ain Diwar, Syria, that once crossed the Tigris river.
Place Albarregas Roman bridge A Roman bridge with origins in the first century B.C. that crosses the Albarregas River, a tributary of the Guadiana River. The bridge was been declared a Site ...
Place Alcántara Bridge A six-span stone bridge over the Tagus river, also known as the Puente Trajan.
Place Alebaece Reiorum Apollinarium (Bridge) A Roman bridge at Alebaece Reiorum Apollinarium (modern Riez).
Place Algund A bridge on the Via Claudia Augusta crossing the Adige river near Maiensis Statio.
Place Aluenda Roman Bridge A Roman bridge in the modern Barranco de Aluenda (Aluenda Gorge), which runs down from the northwest to the modern village of Aluenda in Spain's Zaragoza provin...
Place An unnamed bridge A bridge located north of Usel(l)is in western Sardinia
Place Aquae Flaviae Aquae Flaviae (modern Chaves, Portugal).
Place Arapsu Bridge A Roman bridge near Antalya, Turkey.
Place Arkadiko Bridge An arched Bronze Age bridge near the Mycenaean center of Tiryns. The bridge is located along an ancient highway connecting Tiryns to Epidauros.
Place Ascoli Satriano Roman bridge A Roman bridge crossing the Carapelle stream in the territory of Ascoli Satriano.
Place Band-e Kaisar A third century AD Roman bridge located near Shushtar, Iran.
Place Becilla de Valderaduey Roman bridge A bridge that crosses the Valderaduey river and that has traditionally been considered to be of Roman origin, although it may in fact be more recent in date. Th...
Place Bridge Within the Villa Neronis