Creators: S. Mitchell Copyright © The Creators. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
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37.0517324222, 35.279112075
- None
- Kundu/Kyinda located near Mersin-Yumuktepe (unspecified date range)
- Less than certain: Kundu/Kyinda part of (administrative) Que (province) (720 BC - 540 BC)
- Kundu/Kyinda located near Sissû (720 BC - 540 BC)
- Uncertain: Anavarza Kalesi same as Kundu/Kyinda (unspecified date range)
- Uncertain: Tırmıl Tepe Höyüğü same as Kundu/Kyinda (unspecified date range)
unlocated, fort, tower (deprecated)
- Evidence:
- See Further:
- Related:
Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 66 Kyinda
The Barrington Atlas Directory notes: Macedonian fortress above Anchiale. Two locations have been tentatively suggested for Kundu (classical Kyinda): (1) modern Anavarza, ca. twenty km southeast of Kozan (= Sissû), and (2) modern Tirmil Tepe, ca. two km northeast of Mersin. The former seems more plausible given that Kundu and Sissû mentioned together in Esarhaddon's inscriptions, although this cannot be proven with certainty. Note that Anavarza is generally associated with classical Anazarbos/Caesarea/Ioustin(ian)oupolis. Kundu is not in the vicinity of Sidon, as suggested by W. Mayer in 1995.
S. Mitchell, R. Talbert, Sean Gillies, Jamie Novotny, Tom Elliott, and Jeffrey Becker, 'Kundu/Kyinda: a Pleiades place resource', Pleiades: A Gazetteer of Past Places, 2020 <https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/652350> [accessed: 27 March 2025]
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