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You are here: Home Ancient Places Hilakku (region)

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Hilakku (region)

a Pleiades place resource

Creators: Jamie Novotny
Contributors: Jeffrey Becker
Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Oct 19, 2024 11:39 AM History
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Hilakku is a mountainous region near Tabālu and Que in the Cilician plain. Its exact location is still debated among scholars. Nevertheless, Hilakku has been tentatively identified as being in the area of Bolkar Dağları or in that of Göksu-Tal, in the western part of Cilicia, that is, in the classical Cilicia Tracheia/Cilicia Aspera.

36.9276367381, 34.04876165



Neo-Assyrian royal inscriptions indicate that Hilakku was a mountainous region; the seventh-century-BC king Esarhaddon (r. 680-669 BC) reports that he conquered twenty-one fortresses and small settlements in the area, but no capital is mentioned. Hilakku might have shared a border with Bīt-Purutaš and might have temporarily been incorporated into the Assyrian Empire together. However, given the available geographic evidence in Neo-Assyrian sources (especially in annalistic texts), it is uncertain if Bīt-Purutaš and Hilakku bordered one another, especially since other principalities/city-states/small kingdoms appears to have been between them (for example *Tuhana). 

E. Forrer wrongly suggested that Hilakku was in the vicinity of Kayseri on the basis of the erroneous assumption that a city of the same name was to be identified with classical Masaka (modern Kayseri) and that Hilakku was identical to classical Cilicia

Hilakku is referred to as Piriddu/Pirindu in Neo-Babylonian sources. 


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Jamie Novotny, and Jeffrey Becker, 'Hilakku (region): a Pleiades place resource', Pleiades: A Gazetteer of Past Places, 2024 <> [accessed: 11 March 2025]

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