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@Pleiades in the Fediverse
14 October 2024

Pleiades maps for place views, search, and the home page have been adjusted to set larger maximum bounds. This change means that these maps can pan and zoom to any location in a latitude/longitude-bounded area that covers Africa, Asia, and Europe. The maps were previously more tightly constrained. Location maps were always and remain unconstrained.

A good example exploiting the new range is the site of Teniky in Madagascar:

14 October 2024

Export Updates 2024-10-14:
Pleiades gazetteer of ancient places

1 new and 118 updated places.


2. pleiades.datasets:

"main" branch:

06a08517 - updated legacy csv
433b6ddd - updated json
b67fce8d - updated rdf/ttl
72633831 - updated gis package
9ee9a255 - updated data quality
73c91492 - updated bibliography
2726b594 - updated indexes

3. pleiades-geojson:

7b3355f5 - updated geojson and names index

11 October 2024

Internet Archive Wayback Machine updates remain suspended as IA services have not been returned to functional status following the recent DDOS. Will check again, and attempt to catch up, next week.

11 October 2024

Export Updates 2024-10-11:
Pleiades gazetteer of ancient places

1 new and 8 updated places.


2. pleiades.datasets:

"main" branch:

adb092f7 - updated legacy csv
423d8510 - updated json
no change: rdf/ttl
2f2dc382 - updated gis package
011b9334 - updated data quality
c78d8c3f - updated bibliography
85cb45e3 - updated indexes

3. pleiades-geojson:

eba349cf - updated geojson and names index

10 October 2024

Export Updates 2024-10-10:
Pleiades gazetteer of ancient places

3 new and 18 updated places.


2. pleiades.datasets:

"main" branch:

9b0e6d41 - updated legacy csv
cc99c0d3 - updated json
no change: rdf/ttl
7e9a5892 - updated gis package
57aeb1d0 - updated data quality
d589084e - updated bibliography
eb86b1ea - updated indexes

3. pleiades-geojson:

91c0fbdd - updated geojson and names index

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Last Week in Pleiades (7-14 October 2024)

Creators: Tom Elliott Copyright © The Contributors. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).
Last modified Oct 14, 2024 12:57 PM
Last week the Pleiades editorial college published 20 new and 177 updated place resources, reflecting the work of Jeffrey Becker, Catherine Bouras, Tom Elliott, Jonathan Fu, Maxime Guénette, Greta Hawes, Daniel C. Browning Jr., Brady Kiesling, Chris de Lisle, Gabriel McKee, Rosemary Selth and R. Scott Smith.
Last Week in Pleiades (7-14 October 2024)

A terrain map with orange markers indicating updates and pink circles indicating new place resources. The map includes all of Africa northwards to the southern British Isles and Scandanavia and eastward to the Indian subcontinent.

New Place Resources

  • Amphitheater of Statilius Taurus
    T. Statilius Taurus dedicated the first stone amphitheater at Rome in 29 BCE. It was located at an undetermined location in the Campus Martius and was destroyed in the Great Fire of 64 CE.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
    Contributors: Brady Kiesling
    Published by: Tom Elliott
  • Byzantine fortress, Ammaedara
    The Byzantine fortress at Ammaedara is a border fortress located in the far west of the Byzacena. It was built between 534 and 565 and covers 2.55 ha.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
    Published by: Jeffrey Becker, Tom Elliott
  • Church at Trimithis
    A structure at the city of Trimithis (Amheida) in the Dakhleh Oasis, identified as a church and dated to the 4th century CE.
    Creators: Gabriel McKee
    Published by: Tom Elliott
  • Ciconiae Nixae
    A toponym listed in the catalog for Regio IX of ancient Rome. This is either a singular site or a plurality of sites located in the Campus Martius. Arguments have been made that connect this toponym with the ritual of the Equus October.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
    Contributors: Tom Elliott
    Published by: Tom Elliott
  • Çine Tepecik Höyük
    Human occupation at Çine-Tepecik begins in the Chalcolithic period. The site is located in a fertile alluvial plain near the Meander River in western Anatolia. In the Late Bronze Age, this place was located in the Arzawa lands.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
    Published by: Tom Elliott
  • Euonymos Theater
    A fourth-century BCE theater at Euonymos with a rectangular orchestra.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
    Contributors: Brady Kiesling
    Published by: Tom Elliott
  • Flaminio Obelisk (Rome)
    The so-called "Flaminio Obelisk" at Rome was created in Egypt during the Nineteenth Dynasty under Pharaoh Seti I. The obelisk was erected at Heliopolis under Ramesses II. In 1 BCE, the obelisk was transported to Rome on the orders of Augustus. It was transported with the Obelisk of Montecitorio. The Flaminio Obelisk was re-erected on the spina of the Circus Maximus. It was discovered in a fragmentary state in 1587 along with the so-called Lateran Obelisk. Following the orders of Pope Sixtus V, Domenico Fontana restored the obelisk and erected it as the centerpiece of the Piazza del Popolo in 1589. It is supported by a travertine podium that was constituted from fragments of the Severan Septizodium on the flank of the Palatine Hill, a monument that had been demolished on papal orders.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
    Contributors: Brady Kiesling
    Published by: Tom Elliott
  • Guattari Cave
    A cave located on the slopes of Monte Circeo with evidence of prehistoric activity. A Homo neanderthalensis cranium was discovered here in 1939.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
    Published by: Tom Elliott
  • Horrea Agrippiana
    A set of warehouses in Regio VIII.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
    Published by: Tom Elliott
  • Ipogeo delle Ghirlande
    The so-called Hypogeum of the Garlands is an ancient tomb located at the tenth mile of the ancient Via Latina. The tomb dates to either the first or second century CE.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
    Published by: Tom Elliott
  • Kurşun Kalesi
    Remains of an ancient hilltop settlement, with houses, agricultural processing areas, a stoa, a temple, and some ancient Greek inscriptions located within the modern Turkish municipality of Yeğenli (Mersin province). The site's ancient name is not known, but it has also been discussed under other modern names including Asar, İsmailli, and Kurşunlu.
    Creators: Daniel C. Browning Jr.
    Contributors: Tom Elliott
    Published by: Tom Elliott, Jeffrey Becker
  • Port-sur-Saône
    Port-sur-Saône may be the ancient “Portus Abucinus” included in the Notitia Galliarum. This may have been the location of the martyrdom of Saint Valerius.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
    Published by: Tom Elliott
  • Sanctuary of Erynike Aphrodite
    A sanctuary of Aphrodite Erykine near Psophis in Achaia that is mentioned by Pausanias.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
    Contributors: Brady Kiesling
    Published by: Tom Elliott
  • Stroviki Helladic Settlement
    A settlement mound immediately south of modern Stroviki (municipality of Orchomenos, Thessaly and Central Greece) has yielded archaeological evidence for activity from the Neolithic to the Classical period, with a significant floruit during the Helladic period when the site bordered the northern edge of Lake Copais. Evidence of Mycenean-era hydraulic works involved in the partial draining and control of the lake have been identified in the vicinity.
    Creators: Tom Elliott
    Published by: Jeffrey Becker
  • Tavium Theater
    The Roman theater of Tavium.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
    Contributors: Tom Elliott
    Published by: Tom Elliott
  • Temple of Magna Mater
    The Temple of Magna Mater, also known as the Temple of Cybele, was dedicated near the Clivus Victoriae on the Palatine Hill on 11 April 191 BCE. The original temple was destroyed by fire in 111 BCE. Following another series of destructive fires, Augustus restored the temple, as he records in his Res Gestae Divi Augusti.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
    Contributors: Brady Kiesling
    Published by: Tom Elliott
  • Temple of Montu (El-Tod)
    A temple sacred to Montu located at El-Tod, Egypt. The temple's foundations were laid during the Fifth Dynasty and the sanctuary continued in use under the Ptolemies.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
    Published by: Tom Elliott
  • Teniky
    An archaeological site in the modern Parc National de l'Isalo in southern Madagascar. The site comprises rock-cut terraces, niches, walls, and other features in a style unique in the region. Radiocarbon dating of charcoal and stylistic dating of imported ceramics place activity at the site to a period spanning the 10th - 12th centuries CE. The excavators tentatively interpret the site as part of a former necropolis made by settlers with Zoroastrian origins.
    Creators: Tom Elliott
    Published by: Jeffrey Becker
  • Theater at Cillium
    The Roman theater at Cillium.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
    Published by: Tom Elliott
  • Tomb of Alcmaion (Psophis)
    Pausanias reports on the relatively humble tomb of Alcmaion, son of Amphiaraos and Eriphyle, located at Psophis. Extraordinarily tall cypress trees marked the tomb.
    Creators: Jeffrey Becker
    Contributors: Rosemary Selth, R. Scott Smith, Greta Hawes, Tom Elliott
    Published by: Tom Elliott

Updated Place Resources